Centrul de Calcul Info'98 SA

Solutions for your business

Software development, implementation, maintenance, technical support


Software Development.IT Solutions Implementation.Support

We develop software, implement IT solutions developed by us or by our partners and provide technical support for the implemented IT solutions

Data Processing

We process data of any kind, on any type of software, either created by us, of our partners, or of our customers.

Selling and Mainteance

We sell hardware and we offer support and service.


About us


We develop software for companies in different programming languages.


We are a software design and implementation organization that has been on the market since 1974. We seem old but we are not. We are a team who continuously learn to keep pace with the development of programming languages and the development of techniques.

Web design

We build web sites at request

Content creators

We can write content for your sites

We can design for you software and webs! You can choose us.

You can find us here:

Petroșani, strada Timișoara nr.2

Contact us